Notice yourself. Your own breathing. Allow it to become deep. Allow it to become soft.
When you sit with a woman in labour notice yourself. Your body. Your breathing.
Sit quietly in a corner. Or lie down.
Avert your gaze. Droop your head as though in prayer. Close your eyes as though in meditation or sleep. Or make your eyes soft soft soft and look at nothing on the ground.
Allow your breath to become deep and expansive; fill your lungs, your rib cage, your entire being.
Allow your breath to become deep and expansive like the waves of the ocean. In and out. In and out.
Become so huge that your arms embrace the room, the world, the universe. Hold the woman in labour in an unseen embrace.
Become so huge and expansive that you disappear into nothingness.
Stay with your breath. Your softness.
And the soft sighs and moans of the woman in labour.