Whether a midwife or a doula, as birthkeepers we may be faced with situations at a small percentage of births that require our life-saving assistance. This workshop covers the most common emergencies and how to prevent and manage them in an out of hospital setting whilst still maintaining the basic needs of the woman and the baby.
Holding space whilst dealing with a scary situation can shake us to the core and birthkeepers and it is important to nurture ourselves and to have love and support from our birthing community as well. This workshop also focuses on how we can support each other emotionally through, teaching debriefing, deep listening and self-care skills.
Depending on your needs and scope of practice, this is either a one to three-day course and can be customised according to you and where and how you work.
If you are interested in attending or arranging one of these workshops or would like to know more, please let us know via the Contact Form.
Previous workshops:
Scarborough, Cape Town, South Africa