A Prayer for the Earth, And Those Yet to Come…

Prayer for The Earth and Those Yet to Come…

A 4.5 day immersion in the essence and practice of True Midwifery with Ruth Ehrhardt, Traditional Midwife, mother, teacher and author of The Basic Needs of a Woman in Labour.

20th-24th May, 2020, New Moon.
Devon, UK.

This Retreat /Training / Gathering will be something very special and different!

***Plus*** Sweatlodge, Little House of the Sacred, with Tegwyn Hyndman, to plant our prayers for the healing of birth and healing of our precious Earth. (recommended but OPTIONAL)

4.5 days of Learning, Empowerment, Retreat & Prayer, held at High Heathercombe Centre in Dartmoor National Park, Devon, UK.

Suitable for both men and women, Doulas and aspiring Doulas, Mothers and Mothers-to-be, aspiring, student and practicing Midwives who wish to connect with the spirit of Ruth’s work, BirthKeepers and anyone else with a deep interest.

Partners and Children welcome! (more details below). The intention is to create a village together. Please bring a partner or friend to look after your children while you are in the learning space.

Musical instruments and musical contributions welcome!

Participant places are limited to 13 so please do book soon and take advantage of the early, early bird to avoid disappointment! (booking details below, early booking advised)

Ruth will be teaching practical Midwifery Skills and sharing the spirit of her work and woman-centered model of care.

Over the 4.5 days Ruth will teach on:
• The Basic Needs of a Woman in Labour
• The humble practise of Authentic Midwifery
• The skills and basic equipment used to take care of a mother during pregnancy, birth and postpartum
• Preparing the birthing environment
• Introduction to record-keeping and medical terminology
• Introduction to basic midwifery assistant skills, such as taking blood pressure, vital signs, fetal heart rates and fundal measurements
• How to monitor the baby’s fetal heart rate
• If you are assisting at birth, what is your role during labour, birth and postpartum?
• Basic Nutrition, Herbs and Homeopathy to support pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum
• Immediate postpartum care of mother and baby
• Introduction to care and assessment of the newborn
• Helping the breastfeeding mother
• Urine testing
• Cultural competency in childbirth and care of women
• Universal Precautions
• An introduction to Neonatal Resuscitation
• An introduction to Obstetric Emergencies

Ruth will teach Midwifery Skills for roughly 3 hours each morning and 3 hours in the afternoons.

Especially welcome are partners and friends who are willing to help out with food prep and childcare while the teaching is happening. Partners who simply want to be there to support their woman are very welcome. It would be wonderful if we could create a community village feel at this event.

In the evenings there will be an opportunity to share music, songs and prayers. You may also wish to spend time walking in the wild and beautiful surroundings. High Heathercombe, the venue, is in an exceptionally beautiful and sacred part of Dartmoor National Park, close to a grove of Rowan Trees and a 30 minute walk away from Grimspound, a Bronze Age Settlement dated to around 1000 BC.

The food will be delicious and nourishing vegetarian fare – all included in the price.

Please let us know when you book if you have any special dietary requirements.

Cost (Including all food and accommodation in simple shared dormitory -style bedrooms or camping/camper van):

Early, Early Bird: £465 (available until December 15th, 2019!)

Early Bird: £495 (available until March 31st, 2020)

Full Fee: £525

*You must bring ALL your own bed linen.

Children, whatever age (0-18), are FREE (though you must bring someone to look after them while you are in the teaching space).

Partners/friends doing childcare /in support: £100 contribution to cover costs.

For enquiries and to book your place: Please contact Alix Thorpe (the organiser) @ alixdoula@gmail.com and title your email: Prayer for the Earth and Those Yet to Come. I will send you bank details so that you can secure your place.

“You are a midwife, assisting at someone else’s birth.
Do good without show or fuss.
Facilitate what is happening rather than what you think ought to be happening.
If you must take the lead, lead so that the mother is helped, yet still free and in charge.
When the baby is born, the mother will rightly say, “We did it ourselves!”

– From the Tao Te Ching

With love, Alix and Ruth ♥