True Midwifery Online Classes, Courses and Workshops
Monthly True Midwifery Study Spirals
This is a beautiful community of birthkeepers (midwives, traditional birth attendants, doulas, students and aspiring midwives) gathering monthly to share stories, exchange skills and knowledge and support one another in this work.
Upcoming True Midwifery Study Circles for 2024 are:
Thursdays 29 January (DANCE FOR BIRTH with Kali Satyagrah Widd), 29 February, 28 March, 25 April, 23 May, 27 June, 25 July, 29 August, 26 September, 24 October, 28 November
The Study Spirals fall on the very last Thursday of the month from 11 am – 2 pm SAST (South African Standard Time) – although subject to change due to illness or births – but I will make up sessions that are missed!
All calls are recorded and uploaded to the platform for you to access for the duration of your subscription.
Please note: October dates do not fall on the last Thursday – I have other commitments on those days.
Topics include herbs and homeopathy for pregnancy and childbirth, childbirth and sexuality, traditional midwifery from across the globe, topical issues for birthkeepers, a myriad of birth stories, grief and loss, unusual births, etc. The schedule is an ongoing and organic meeting of what is being called for by the True Midwifery community. Remember, these are YOUR sessions. If you feel called to discuss of share a certain topic, please let us know and we will make a plan. Some sessions will have guest teachers and others will be run by myself or one of the members of the True Midwifery team.
All the sessions are underpinned by a strong foundation in honouring the basic needs of pregnant, labouring, birthing and new mothers and their babies.
If you would like to join our circles you can subscribe for one session (to try it out) or one year (at a discounted rate) here
or want to find out more, please contact me via the CONTACT FORM
Much love and gratitude,
True Midwifery
The Basic Needs of Babies
“What an honour to be a part of this course! This intro really resonates and gives insight into those fundamental early days on earth, it makes me wonder about my own very first experiences as a child and inspires me to be the absolute best I can be for my newborn as he navigates his first days here with us in this world. I am so excited to grow and in many cases shed some aspects of my old self. Life has literally taken on new meaning for me, and what a liberation and a joy to focus my energy on this beautiful, innocent child.” – previous Basic Needs of Babies course participant |
A series of courses and workshops in collaboration with Montessorian Karin Slabaugh.
When a baby elephant is born the entire herd slows down to the pace of the baby elephant. As the baby learns to walk the herd will slowly pick up the pace alongside the baby until the baby is able to match the pace of the adults. The intention of this offering is to explore the basic needs of newborns. The Basic Needs of Babies course and workshops are for birth attendants, families, and care partners: supporting the welcoming of newborns based on their basic needs. Learning together how to observe and understand newborn communications and behavioural language. |
The next course will run from 17 Sep 2024 – 30 April 2025
for more information see here or contact: info@montessori-for-life.org
Maïeutic Silencieuse/The Silent Midwife
An Introductory course to True Midwifery filmed and hosted in collaboration with Association Humanly of France.
For more information please contact
The Silent Birthkeeper:
An Introduction to True Midwifery
A One Year online journey exploring YOUR pathway to birth keeping and true midwifery.
In collaboration with Well Mama and Humanly, this is a One Year Introduction to True Midwifery online course with once a month of regular live zoom meetings and contact via a Telegram group where we connect and discuss the topics and offer support.
The next Silent Birthkeeper One year Journey will take place from OCTOBER 2024
If you would like to join this journey or want to find out more, please JOIN THE WAITING LIST HERE or contact me via the CONTACT FORM
Birth First Aid For Mother and Baby
For those attending births at home.
- helping babies who are struggling to breathe at birth
- bleeding after birth
- other birth first aid scenarios
5 x 3-hour online sessions
Next sessions:
4 September – 2 October 2024
If you would like to join this series of online workshops or want to find out more see here, or JOIN THE WAITING LIST HERE
One-on-One Online Thinking, Information and Mentoring Sessions
Are you pregnant and need an experienced listening ear to help you think through issues that have come up in your pregnancy and feel and think into your upcoming birth?
Have you experienced birth trauma or triggers and would like to debrief with someone who can also provide information, support and referrals?
Are you a birth attendant (doula, midwife, student, birthkeeper) who would like to discuss a case in a non – judgemental space and possibly receive feedback and support from an experienced birthkeeper?
Using the container of The Thinking Environment – a modality designed by Nancy Kline, I create a safe, non-judgmental, uninterrupted space for you to dive into what you are needing to think about. If you require feedback and information, I am available to do that too but essentially, the idea behind this way of working and holding space is trusting that the innate knowledge to guide you, lies within you, and within the correct environment, you can tap into that.
Essentially, creating the basic needs for you to think for yourself!
If you would like to BOOK A SESSION
or would like to find out more, please contact me via the CONTACT FORM
“The most valuable thing we can offer each other is the framework in which to think for ourselves”
— Nancy Kline